From Cleveland Academy of Trial Attorneys Magazine, Spring 2011
Editor’s Note: Recently, Ellen Hobbs Hirshman [EHH] hosted a “roundtable” conference call with three plaintiffs’ lawyers, one defense lawyer, and a judge, to discuss obstructionist tactics during depositions, and how to handle them. The plaintiffs’ attorneys were Gerry Leeseberg [GL] of Leeseberg Tuttle in Columbus, Ohio; Steve Collier [SC] of Connelly, Jackson & Collier, in Toledo, Ohio; and Toby Hirshman [TH] of Linton & Hirshman in Cleveland, Ohio. The defense attorney was Bill Bonezzi [BB]of Bonezzi, Switzer, Murphy, Polito & Hupp in Cleveland, Ohio. The judge was Richard McMonagle [JRM]of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. Here are some of their insights. Special thanks go to Laura Ware, who acted as Court Reporter for this conference call.