Q: My father passed away in a nursing home recently. The state conducted an investigation and even interviewed me. They found “Immediate Jeopardy (to health of residents)”, failure to address and seek timely medical attention, no one was trained in CPR when he required it and ultimately passed away. Also, no written records of providing him with most of his medications and going against his personal doctor’s orders. They were cited for numerous violations. Would there possibly be a lawsuit I could file as it seems he passed away due to their negligence? Thank you.
A: It is entirely possible based on your information that you have a legitimate claim of neglect. We would also have to be able to prove that the neglect caused or contributed to your father’s death. Our law firm has handled numerous cases related to nursing home care, having recently obtained a $6.5 million verdict on behalf of the family of a nursing home patient who died as a result of neglect. We suggest that you speak with us or a law firm like ours that has experience in elder law neglect cases to look into the facts and circumstances of your matter and see if you have a case for the nursing home’s neglect of your father.