If you underwent a hip replacement procedure and received a DePuy Pinnacle implant, please review this important press release to assist in identifying a potential medical malpractice or product liability lawsuit.
US Drug Watchdog, January 18, 2013
The US Drug Watchdog says, “Because we do not want to see any DePuy Pinnacle hip implant recipient left on the curb with the tab for an expensive hip replacement surgery, we are now urging all recipients to get a blood test that is focused on elevated levels of cobalt, or chromium in their blood. We also urgently need family members, or loved ones of any hip senior citizen hip implant recipient, that was surgically installed between 2002, and 2011 to ask the family member, or friend, if it was a DePuy Pinnacle hip implant, and request they get a blood test as well. We could easily have tens of thousands of US DePuy Pinnacle hip implant victims, living each day in pain, with a failed hip implant. Nothing is more important to us than trying to get all DePuy Pinnacle hip implant victims identified, to the best possible national caliber attorneys, and we will help with the process.” For more information about the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant, and or issues related to metal on metal hip implants please contact the US Drug Watchdog at 866-714-6466. http://USDrugWatchdog.com
The US Drug Watchdog is the premier medical device, and pharmaceutical watchdog, and advocate in the United States. The group says, “We want to make certain all metal-on-metal DePuy Pinnacle hip implant victims get to the actual trial law firms, or attorneys, that have the best record in achieving superior results for their clients, in these types of medical device lawsuits. Because compensation is vital, we think having the best, or most capable national caliber personal injury law firm is always the best choice.” For more information please contact the US Drug Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466. http://USDrugWatchdog.com