Mount Carmel recently released an “investigation timeline” purportedly detailing what they have learned about Dr. William Husel’s role in prescribing excessive and potentially fatal doses of Fentanyl.
- Investigation Timeline: investigation-timeline-feb22.pdf
Mount Carmel also identified another victim, bringing the total number of patients receiving excessive doses of medication to 35. Earlier this week, attorneys at Leeseberg Tuttle told reporters we have come across several cases during our investigation where it appears the patients were not “near death” at the time they were given excessive and potentially fatal doses of pain medication, as previously reported by Mount Carmel. In its most recent public statement, Mount Carmel indicated there were at least 5 patients where “there was still an opportunity for treatment to improve [the patient’s] immediate condition.” This acknowledgement by Mount Carmel today confirms what we and our experts believed from the early stages of this case.
- Media Statement – 2/22/2019: mchs-media-statement-feb22.pdf