A Reputation Built By Success

Your doctor should be looking out for your infant’s safety

When you entrust your health to a licensed Ohio obstetrician, you can reasonably expect him or her to carefully monitor your pregnancy and to make educated decisions to help keep you and your baby as safe as possible all the way through labor and delivery, as well as post-natal care. You will likely encounter numerous challenges during pregnancy; however, many issues are quite common, such as nausea, weight gain, fatigue and emotional fragility.

Even if you think you’re experiencing a common side effect of pregnancy, it’s always best to share information with your OB so he or she can confirm that you and your baby are in good health. On the other hand, if you share a concern and your doctor thinks there might be a problem, he or she can determine a best course of action to rectify the situation. Sadly, not all doctors do their jobs well; serious birth injuries can occur because of medical negligence.

During pregnancy

When you attend pre-natal visits, your doctor carefully monitors your and your baby’s current health status. Such visits might include checking your vital signs or measuring your baby’s size and estimating his or her weight. This is necessary because serious complications can arise if an infant is too large to fit through the birth canal.

If you have high blood pressure or show other symptoms that suggest a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor and medical team can provide guidance and support to help you manage your condition.

Labor and delivery

There are any number of issues that can arise when you’re having your baby that might prompt your OB to change courses of action. For instance, if your child shows signs of fetal distress or labor is not progressing, your doctor might determine a need for an emergency C-section.

Your child’s presenting position is also a critical factor toward a safe delivery. If he or she is in a breech or posterior position, your doctor knows what to do to help you and your infant avoid injury.

Frequently reported birth injuries

If your doctor is negligent, or a member of the medical team disregards safety protocol or Ohio regulations, you or your child (or both) might be at serious risk for injury. Shoulder dystocia, for instance, can cause nerve damage in your baby’s arms or legs. Maternal high blood pressure can lead to pre-eclampsia, a condition that can spark a life-threatening situation.

Newborns often suffer bone fractures, facial paralysis or cerebral palsy when things don’t go as they should during labor and delivery. A skilled, experienced and competent medical team is a critical factor in high-quality maternal and fetal care.

Support for families devastated by birth injuries

The last thing you want is to go home from the hospital with an injured child. Birth injuries turn what was supposed to be a joyful experience into tragic circumstances. There are support teams available to help you in your time of need, including licensed counselors, patient advocates and, also, experienced medical malpractice attorneys.
