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Recognizing the warning signs of birth injuries

Parents excited to greet a new baby often focus on counting fingers and toes. They may enjoy skin-to-skin cuddling immediately after labor and delivery. Most parents assume that newborns come into the world healthy unless they hear otherwise from medical professionals.

In some cases, families eventually realize that their children have sustained birth injuries. Labor and delivery can be relatively dangerous, and many things can go wrong. New parents may eventually discover that an infant sustained a significant birth injury and may require extra medical care or parental support.

What are some of the warnings signs that an infant may have sustained a birth injury?

Inexplicable crying or screaming

Some babies are just colicky. They cry for seemingly no reason. Other times, crying is a warning sign of pain or other unmet needs. Infants who scream enough to become red in the face or who cry consistently may have painful injuries that require medical attention.

Visible injuries

Newborns hurt by birth interventions may have telltale marks. For example, they could have bruising or lacerations on their faces caused by a forceps delivery. Such marks can be a warning sign that the infant could have other traumatic injuries.

Challenges with facial expressions or arm movement

Birth injuries often involve damage to the nerves or nervous system. Pressure on the head and face or the use of forceps can injure facial nerves. Babies may not be able to move one side of their faces or may be unable to close one eye. Nerves around the shoulder can also end up damaged during assisted labor. The baby may be unable to move one arm the same way it uses the other. Nerve damage may require surgery or physical therapy.

Developmental delays

Some birth injuries only become obvious when children start holding themselves up, exploring their worlds or learning to speak. Birth injuries such as cerebral palsy can cause noteworthy developmental delays. Young children with cerebral palsy might struggle with verbal communication or may have difficulty navigating their environment.

Being able to recognize the warning signs of a birth injury is the first step toward pursuing justice. Parents can file insurance claims or lawsuits in scenarios where health care professionals may have caused a preventable birth injury.
