Some injuries are minor or moderate in severity. They create short-term medical needs and may cause temporary disruptions. However, the injured person can make a full recovery and return to their life as usual with adequate medical support. Other injuries are more...
Who can initiate a wrongful death lawsuit in Ohio?
People often take for granted that they can comfortably spend years, if not decades, with their loved ones. The tragic reality is that not everyone lives to their full life expectancy. Some people die prematurely and leave their families struggling for closure....
How to respond to deer on the road
Driving through picturesque landscapes can be a serene experience, but encountering wildlife on the road, including deer, can turn a tranquil journey into a potentially hazardous situation. Running into a deer on the road can be a daunting experience that requires...
How do you put a value on an Ohio wrongful death claim?
Families in Ohio sometimes lose a loved one unexpectedly. Strokes and heart attacks can claim otherwise healthy individuals, and accidental death remains an issue for people of all ages. However, the deaths that some people call accidental are often anything but an...
Reasons drivers don’t see stop signs
It’s one of the easiest accidents to prevent: A driver running a stop sign. The driver on the perpendicular road stops, looks, sees the other car approaching, and then drives right in front of it because they know that the other driver has to stop. Unfortunately, that...
The bigger the vehicle, the more danger to others
When you ask people why they buy large vehicles, such as the massive SUVs designed to carry eight people but usually just carrying one driver through their daily commute, they’ll often tell you that they feel safe. They feel that -- should they ever get in an accident...
Research into hospitals can help you avoid injury and death
Most people checking into a hospital feel confident about their safety. They expect that the facility is clean, that the staff has received proper training and everyone is committed to keeping patients safe and healthy. The majority of people working in a hospital do...
Study reveals which truck drivers are at a higher risk of crashing
Truck drivers have to be responsible on the roads because their actions do make a difference in how safe other drivers remain. A single error made by a truck driver can lead to multiple vehicles being involved in collisions. There could be injuries or deaths as a...
Can a miscommunication lead to medical malpractice?
Individuals trust their chosen medical care provider to act professionally and be detail-oriented through even the most complex situation. When that trust is misplaced, however, patients can suffer dramatic – even deadly – consequences. From nurses to surgeons to...
FAQ’s and answers about birth injuries and prevention
Childbirth is a life-altering event, one that should be a celebration. You are birthing a new human into the world. The last thing you want to occur is for you or especially your new child to suffer trauma that results in a birth injury. The sad realization is that...